RB Scaffolding

Safe · Reliable · Professional

 We are experts in the design, supply, erection and modification of scaffolding. Contact RB for an obligation-free meeting today.

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1300 001 016

75 Boundary Street, Beenleigh, QLD 4127


In a prestigious assignment that underscores our expertise and commitment to architectural heritage, RB Scaffolding was chosen to perform significant scaffolding works for the Queensland Parliament Building. This project was part of the Annexe Reparation efforts, aimed at preserving and enhancing the structural integrity and historical value of one of Queensland’s most iconic buildings.

The project involved comprehensive scaffolding solutions to facilitate a range of restoration and maintenance works on the Parliament Building. Our team was tasked with creating safe, secure, and efficient access points for the entire duration of the reparations, ensuring minimal disruption to the building’s operations and public accessibility. The scaffolding was meticulously designed to accommodate the unique architectural features and constraints of the historic building, demonstrating our capability to adapt to complex environments.

Working on a heritage-listed site like the Queensland Parliament Building presented a unique set of challenges, including strict compliance with heritage preservation standards and ensuring the safety of the structure, workers, and the public. RB Scaffolding navigated these challenges through careful planning, innovative scaffolding techniques, and close collaboration with heritage consultants and construction teams. Our approach was focused on respecting the building’s historical significance while providing a robust framework for the necessary restoration works.

The Queensland Parliament Building scaffolding project stands as a testament to RB Scaffolding’s expertise in managing and executing scaffolding works for heritage-listed sites. Our commitment to excellence, attention to detail, and respect for historical integrity were key to the project’s success, further establishing RB Scaffolding as a leader in the scaffolding industry with the skills and sensitivity to tackle projects of significant cultural and historical importance.


Civilian Infrastructure



Hutchinson Builders


Approx. Construction Cost


Approx. Construction Cost

Project Time

12 Months

Project Time
Commercial Scaffolding
Commercial Scaffolding

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